Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Part 4

Once upstairs Kate and Conner found a master bedroom with an en suite 
and two slightly smaller rooms, plus one additional bathroom.

“So Conner, what room do you think you would like?”

“I think I will take the one across from you, if that’s OK. That way if I get scared I can get to you fast,” Conner said.

“That’ll work,” Kate said, ruffling her son’s hair.

Back downstairs, Kate ordered a genuine NY style pizza to be delivered. Her and Conner sat and ate the pizza while watching a movie on her laptop using her mobile phone’s hot spot since they didn’t have cable internet set up yet.

After Conner went to bed Kate spent a couple hours unpacking her suitcases. She figured she could work on Conner’s stuff tomorrow. Kate went into the bathroom to change and started brushing out her hair. Staring into the mirror she let her mind drift back through the day. She was still a little hot under the collar. Who did he think he was? Apparently the premier guitarist in a top rock band. Kate made a mental note to actually Google them. She didn’t really pay attention outside the country music world.

With one last stroke she plaited her hair into a loose braid to cut down on knots and climbed into bed. Sleep was not far behind.

Brett and Tank made it back to the apartment after a potty break.

“Tank. Ready for some dinner?”


“OK Buddy,” Brett said as he filled Tank’s food dish. “So, I saw that you really liked that little boy,” He said softly to his amazing dog. “Thank you for being such a good dog.” Brett gave him some loving pats.

“Woo oo ooo!” Tank woofed, as if to say ‘no problem’.

Brett left Tank to finish his food and made his way to his study slash man cave slash music room. He poured two fingers of whiskey and made his way over to a comfy couch where his song writing guitar laid along with his notebook of songs. He hummed and strummed his way through his feelings and his day. The words five foot nothin’ and spitfire wandered through his head. Thank goodness his balls were still intact was another thought that crossed his mind.

His mind switched gears to the boy. He was very well behaved. He wasn’t surprised that Tank took to him. He loved kids. Maybe that was why he chose Tank. He was fantastic with Joe and Pauline’s kids. Almost like Tank was an extension of the feelings and premonitions that he had all the time.

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