Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Part 5

Brett wasn't due in the studio today. He was kind of disappointed. He wanted to see her again. He was big on death wishes. The singer, what was her name? Kate? She was intriguing. She looked short, but when she got her dander up, she seemed to grow a foot taller. 

Sitting there / standing there day dreaming about her his cell rang.


"Brett, it's Kat."

"Hey Kat."

"Hey. I was just calling to let you know the record co wants to set up a meeting as soon as possible. When do you think you can get a hold of Chance?

"Relatively soon. Why? What's up?"

"They just want to set a meeting and go over the next year's schedule."

"Then you need to give us about two to three weeks."

"OK, Brett, I will let them know. Thanks. I will talk to you later."


Brett sighed. The last thing he wanted to do was to tell Chance he had to leave the girl of his dreams and come back.

Kate walked into the studio with CD in tow.

"Mom," he said excitedly, "I hope that man is here. I want to see his dog again. It was so cool."

"I don't know CD. We will have to see," she said, hoping the man wasn't. 

Buddy saw CD and Kate come into the studio. He had to wipe his hands on his pants as they started to get a little sweaty. He lost sight of them from the window as they came into the building. He forced himself to wait in his sound room while Sandy showed them in.

"Buddy," she said loudly, "Kate is here." Sandy opened the door to the studio and let Kate and CD enter before her. "Kate. CD. It's good to see you again. Buddy is just in there. Make yourselves at home."

"Thank you," Kate said. She liked Sandy.

"CD. Kate. Can I get you anything?"

"A water, if you have it," Kate said.

"Do you have any root beer?" CD asked.

"Sure thing. I'll be right back you guys."

Kate walked over to some chairs lined up along the wall and set her purse down. "CD. Come sit down here. There is an outlet here to plug your charger cords into."

"Sure mom," he said dejectedly, bummed that the dog was not here today.

"Hey, it will be alright. Maybe he will be here another day," she said, trying to cheer up her son.

Buddy came out of the sound room. "Kate. CD. How are you? Glad to see you today." He shook Kate's hand. Then offered his hand to CD. The boy shook his hand. (For a split second he closed his eyes, then mentally shook himself. Now was not the time.*add now or later?*)

"We are good, Buddy. How are you? How are the songs coming along?" She asked.

"Really well. We still have a few to go to record. The ones we do have recorded I wanted to play back to you and then discuss if we need to make any changes."

"Alright. Would it be OK if I sit here next to CD?"

"Sure. Hang here and I will go start the play back." Buddy made his way back into the sound booth and started the music.

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