Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Part 3

Kate just stood there. Fuck. Asshole. She turned to Buddy and spat out, “Do we have to use him? Isn’t there anyone else?”

Sorry,” Buddy said calmly, “He is the best. Next to me. Really, he is brilliant.”

She sighed. Inwardly stomped her foot in frustration. “Mr Rawls, is there a spot where I can have my son hang out? And is that dog safe?”

Buddy. Call me Buddy. And yes the dog is safe. If you are OK with it he can hang in here with me and Tank.”

Plleeaassee Mom! Can I stay with the dog?”

She couldn’t say no to that face. “OK, but be careful.”

Brett was back in the studio. That girl was tiny. She looked all of fifteen, but yet had a kid who must have been about seven. She barely came to his chest. Yet scarily enough could probably punch him in the balls. He didn’t know if he hated her or it was love at first sight.

Brett just got his guitar strap over his shoulder when he heard Buddy over the intercom, “OK Lady and Gent, let’s get this show on the road.

Kate started singing. Brett’s mouth dropped open. She was the best singer next to Chance he’s ever heard.

Buddy watched from the booth. He just busted up laughing. Brett is in for a world of hurt, maybe out of his league. That tiny woman is going to have him wrapped around her little finger. He leaned in and said through the com, “OK kids. One more time. And Brett. Close your mouth, you are catching flies.”

Brett closed his mouth. She had heard and saw and he thought he saw a smug look briefly cross her face.

Deep down inside she didn’t know how to take that. She wasn’t good with compliments or good words, but liked that he was embarrassed he got caught.

After a couple hours they were done for the day. Brett walked past her and into the booth where her son and Buddy were, carrying a leash. “Buddy, I am going to walk Tank. I’ll be right back.”

Right,” Buddy replied as he continued to work his producer magic.

Sir, is it OK if I go in with my Mom?” Conner asked.

Of course. We are done for the day.”

Conner went into the studio to be with his mom.

Hey sweetheart, ready to go home?”

Yes Mom. I am hungry,” Conner said.

No problem Conner. We can grab something to eat on the way home.”

Kate and Conner, by way of the Record Company, was provided with a place to live during the recording process.

It was a small brownstone. The driver dropped them off and carried their luggage up to the door.

Thank you,” Kate told him. She failed to notice, as her back was turned as she was unlocking the door, the driver stare at her son while he said, “You’re welcome,” as he turned and left down the steps.

Conner, here we are. Would you help me drag these inside?”

Sure Mom.”

The small house had an open concept with beautiful hardwood floors throughout.

Hey Conner, let’s go upstairs and check out the bedrooms.”

Sure Mom,” Conner said, as he followed his mom up the stairs.

Saturday, September 29, 2018

Part 2

Kate Bonner looked down on her son. He was growing so fast. He was her miracle. Her one and only. She had had to grow up fast. Sixteen and stupid. Ran away with the boy she was so starry eyed in lust with. Her parents were so against him. Eight months later she was running for her life, with a black eye, cracked ribs, and contractions. Yeah, pregnant. He had beat her for the last time. She couldn’t even take her guitar cause he had smashed it into a thousand pieces. She was being too loud he said. He was trying to sleep. But in reality he was falling down drunk. The last thing she remembered was making it through the doors of the emergency room...

The car pulled up in front of the New York recording studio, Rollin’ Records. She still didn’t really understand why New York and not Nashville, but a few people she trusted said Buddy Rawls was a great producer and he had access to amazing musicians and everyone thought this might be the one...

Kate nudged her son and whispered gently, “We’re here.”..

Conner stretched a bit and rubbed his eyes and mumbled, “Where?”..

“The recording studio Baby,” She said as she released his seat belt...

“It’s going to be so boring Mom,” he bemoaned...

“I thought you liked my singing,” she teased...

“Oh Mom, I do. I just hate going to the studio.”..

“I know sweetheart, but I brought all your electronics. And maybe Mr Rawls will let you into the recording booth.”.

.“Cool,” Conner said as he followed his mom out of the car...

She stopped in front of the doors to the studio and knelt down in front of her son. “Conner, I love you. This might be the one. Are you ready for fame and fortune?” she asked hugging him tight...

“I love you too, Mom. If we get famous can I get a dog?”.

.“We’ll see baby.”..

Together they made their way into the studio. As they walked in it was old and run down looking, but the incredible amount of memorabilia made up for that. No one was at what looked to be a receptionist desk...

“I don’t see anyone bud,” she said..

.“I gotta go potty Mom,” he said...

“OK. Hang on. Let’s see if we can find someone or a bathroom.” Kate started opening the first door she when a nice mid thirties lady came in from another one..

.“Hi! How may I help you?” She asked...

“Hi. I’m Kate Bonner and this is my son Conner."

“Oh my gosh! We’ve been expecting you,” she said putting out her hand to shake. “My name is Sandy Johnson.”..

“Thank you. Do you have a restroom he could use?”..

“Oh my heck yes. Right this way.”..

Once everyone was relieved, Sandy showed them to the recording rooms...

“Buddy!” She hollered, as she opened the door to the booth. “Kate is here.”..

Kate saw a scruffy semi gray haired man with glasses perched on his nose. Being that she was five foot nothing, she had to look up at him. She took his proffered hand and shook it...

“Kate, it’s nice to meet you,” Buddy said cheerfully..

.“Mr. Rawls. It’s an honor to meet you,” She said with a smile. 

 His happy demeanor was infectious..

.Buddy looked down at this petite girl/woman. Now he had a face to go with he songs he had been working on. It was then that he noticed the boy. He was told that she had a son...“Hi, my name is Buddy. What’s your name?” He asked as he held out his hand...

“My name is Conner,” he replied as he shook his hand. “Are you going to make my Mom famous? Cause I really want a dog.”.

.Buddy chuckled. “Conner, I am going to do my very best.”..

“Cool,” he mumbled already dismissing Buddy to refocus on his electronics...

Just then Brett came through the door of the sound booth...“Buddy, sorry I’m ….” He trailed off as he almost ran over Kate and Conner...“Hey, I didn’t know you were giving tours to school kids today.” Brushing off the kids, he looked back at Buddy, “Sorry I’m late man. The traffic sucked.”..

He watched as Brett dismissed Kate and set guitar case down and held the door open for Tank. If Buddy knew anything in this industry it is that you do not dismiss the women, especially short women. 

 Kate seemed to magically grow a foot taller if that was possible...“Excuse me?! Who the hell are you?”..

Brett, who usually wasn’t particularly stupid, replied, “Who the hell am I? I am Brett Walker.” Not even finishing that thought, just assuming everyone knew who he was...

Kate took a breath to retaliate when Tank walked over to her son. And before she could shield her son from the dog, who was almost as tall as she was, and who looked like a Shetland pony in comparison to her son, he wagged his tail and licked Conner. She almost had a heart attack thinking the dog was attacking her son...

“Conner! Watch out!” Kate started to grab her son when the dog leaned against him, slid down, and was belly up waiting for tummy scratches...“What do you think you are doing bringing a dog to a recording studio!” Then to Conner, she admonished “Be careful.”

“Mom! He is so cool. See. It’s fine. He likes me!”..

Her heart was beating so hard. He was all she had and she was a little, OK, a lot, over protective. Then she turned back to this, this … man. She just tried to give him the look and make him answer her question, but he gave her the look and proceeded to tell her why..

.I bring him cause he’s mine. And because I can.” Brett then turned and walked back out and into the studio.